Dealing with persistent acne is a nightmare. While acne is usually associated with the teenage years, it can affect just about any person regardless of age and gender, causing frustration and embarrassment.
The Esthetic Clinics offer multiple acne treatment options that the dermatologist can recommend depending on a patient’s specific situation. They assess the root cause and determine the most suitable treatment.
Even with the best treatment, some people find it hard to completely get rid of the acne. If you often get acne, get treated, and after a while, it appears again, here are 5 factors that could be the reason:
Poor Skin Care Habits
This is a notorious culprit when it comes to acne. Neglecting your skincare routine or skipping some important steps in the skin care process like cleansing and thoroughly exfoliating could cause acne problems.
Keep in mind that your skin is delicate and therefore should be handled with caution. While it is crucial to thoroughly exfoliate, don’t use harsh exfoliants and sponges. Instead, opt for gentler products and use your hands when applying.
Always remove your makeup, cleanse, and moisturize at the end of the day to prevent clogged pores and the accumulation of dead skin cells. A consistent skincare routine, tailored to your skin type, can help prevent acne from returning and exacerbating.
Hormonal Changes
Hormonal fluctuations could also contribute to the development and persistence of acne. In teenagers, it is often the hormonal changes that accompany puberty that cause acne. Adults who are more prone to hormonal imbalances can also struggle with recurring acne.
Conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and hormonal birth control are some of the factors that can impact hormone levels and, in turn, lead to acne. Consult a professional like Dr. Rinky Kapoor to recommend suitable treatment options.
Diet and Lifestyle Factors
What you eat and how you live can significantly impact your skin’s health. Diets high in sugary and processed foods can lead to increased inflammation and trigger acne.
Stress, lack of sleep, and smoking are other lifestyle factors that can exacerbate acne or contribute to its recurrence. Try to always incorporate a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your meals, engage in regular exercise, and manage stress, to help improve your skin’s condition.
Acne Treatment Mumbai
While using over-the-counter products without a proper prescription may work, not having a clear understanding of your skin’s needs or the specific type of acne you have can result in subpar results.
It’s essential to identify the cause and type of acne you are dealing with, whether it’s inflammatory or cystic acne, to get proper treatment. Seek advice from a skin specialist like Dr. Rinky Kapoor to help you choose the most appropriate treatment options.
Popping and Picking
Don’t let the temptation to squeeze or pick at acne blemishes overcome your willpower, as it can worsen the problem. Popping pimples can introduce bacteria into the surrounding area, leading to further inflammation and more breakouts.
Picking can also cause scarring and make your skin look worse in the long run. It’s crucial to resist the urge and opt for safer and more effective methods to treat acne.