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Dental Treatment

Impacted Tooth Surgery

Impacted Tooth Surgery in Mumbai

A niggling pain in the teeth is worse than having pain anywhere else. You can put bandage on cuts and ointment on bruises but the toothache will be a bother that has no cure without an expert treatment. If you too have been suffering from pain in the at the back of the mouth, swollen gums, bad breath, and have difficult in opening or closing your month then you might be suffering from the problem of impacted tooth.

Impacted tooth often go neglected until they are pushing against the gums and causing pain and discomfort. But are you too among the 70% of people who are afraid of going to the dentist with the fear of long painful procedures. You need not worry, our expert dentists at The Esthetic Clinics in Mumbai will treat the complex cases of impacted tooth with great precision and without the fearful pain.

What is an impacted tooth?

‘Impacted’ means stuck i.e.  when a tooth stuck or wedged between the jaw bone and another tooth. Most of the time impacted tooth cause no obvious problem, and are only discovered during the x-ray at the dental clinics. Sometimes symptoms appear and subside by own, but if the symptom appears, and the tooth has decided to ‘come out’ it would cause unbearable pain.

Impacted tooth is the tooth that has been blocked from breaking through the gums for some reason. It fails to erupt in dental arch within the expected development time and place. They do not erupt and remain impacted throughout the lifetime of the individual unless extracted or surgically removed. Teeth may become impacted because of inadequate space, adjacent teeth, dense bones or hereditary abnormalities.

The most common tooth, which remains impacted, is third molar, also called wisdom tooth. Chances of impaction of mandibular molar are more than maxillary molar. Other than that canine are also reportedly impacted. As the tooth pushes the adjacent tooth for room to erupt and grow normally, it can cause pain and discomfort. Followed by various dental problems. Because it could restrict the access for cleaning of nearby teeth.

Which teeth are commonly impacted?

Impaction is due to small arch or inadequate space or dense overlying bone. The most commonly impacted teeth are:

  • Wisdom tooth or third molars. Most commonly mandibular third molar than maxillary molar. It is called as wisdom tooth impaction.
  • Maxillary canine(upper jaw)
  • Mandibular premolar(lower jaw)
  • Maxillary premolar
  • Mandibular canine
  • Maxillary central incisor
  • Maxillary lateral incisor

Around forty percent of people suffer from wisdom tooth impaction at some point of their lives. For some the transition is very simple but for some the appearance of wisdom tooth is a painful and troublesome experience. This happens because of inadequate space or small jaw for the tooth to grow. Maxillary canine second most affected tooth, because its position is corner of the mouth. The maxillary canine impaction can be detected early in children between ages three and four years.

What are the causes of impaction?

There are various causes for impaction, as listed below

  • When mouth does not have enough space or have inadequate space in the jaw. Mostly third molar are affected.
  • Due to adjacent teeth, it does not give room for impacted tooth to grow.
  • Dense overlying bone.
  • Excessive soft tissue.
  • Hereditary abnormalities.
  • Angulations of the tooth; like horizontal, vertical, meseolingual, buccal, lingual etc.

 What are the complications of impacted teeth?

Because tooth is impacted, so won’t be able to clean and care them. But if the tooth is partially erupted it will be more difficult to clean them, it increase the risk of dental problems:

  • Lodgment of food particle causes bad breath.
  • Decay or cavity.
  • Gum infections.
  • Cyst formation.
  • Crowding of nearby teeth.
  • Bone absorption due to infection.

What are the common problems of having an impacted wisdom tooth?

More often than not, the impacted tooth causes no problems but for most people seeking impacted tooth treatment in Mumbai often see the follow common symptoms:

  • Lodging of food items under the gums
  • Pain at the site, is the first sign, which propels most patients to the dentist
  • Pain, when opening your mouth or during chewing
  • Swollen, red and bleeding gums
  • Bad breath
  • Bad taste in the mouth
  • Soreness that is usually confused with throat infection

Ignored impacted teeth can also lead to cavities and an accelerated tooth decay. Most symptoms disappear in a day or two but that does not mean that they will not return or not cause an problems in the future. 

Should the impacted tooth be removed?

Impacted tooth need to be shown to the dentist as soon as possible. A dental specialist in Mumbai will examine your teeth and take an x-ray of the mouth, teeth and gums to determine the situation and see the amount of impaction. Post the examination the dentist will guide you towards the best solution for impacted tooth treatment in India.   For those patients for whom the tooth is not causing any discomfort, the only mode of detection is regular dental clinic visits. The most common approaches taken by top dentists for impacted tooth treatment in India are:

  • Waiting and monitoring approach; regular check-ups are done to monitor the condition of the tooth. This helps the dentist treat the problem before it becomes one.
  • Surgery for impacted tooth treatment in Mumbai: If the impacted tooth is bothering you, then top dentists in India will advised you for surgical extraction. This procedure is done under local anesthesia and recovery will be in 7-10 days.
  • Eruption aids for impacted tooth surgery in India: In case of canine impaction, to superficially uncover the  impacted tooth, by laser ensures  no bleeding and speedy recovery. Eruption aids includes bracket, braces or extraction of the deciduous teeth, which block the tooth growth.

Is the impacted tooth surgery a complicated process?

Surgical extraction of impacted tooth requires skilled and experienced hand of an expert maxillofacial surgeon. The dental team of our clinic in Mumbai has the best and experienced dentist for impacted tooth surgery in India.

Surgical extraction might be a complex process, depending upon the position and depth of the tooth in the jaw. But with Skills and advanced technique can be extracted easily.  Extraction surgery generally conducted under local anesthesia.

What are the precautions to be taken post-surgery?

Post impacted tooth surgery instructions given by the dentist must be followed by the patient to promote and accelerate healing. Some pain discomfort and swelling after surgery is quite normal with this process. If you follow the instructions given below it will be smooth sailing recovery for you:

  • After the surgery, keep the gauzes in the mouth for an hour by maintaining a firm pressure.
  • Keep your head elevated.
  • Apply ice on the cheek in regular intervals to reduce swelling.
  • Do not spit frequently.
  • Do not forget to rest.
  • Do not rinse the mouth, it will cause dislodgement of clot and affect the healing.
  • Avoid drinking and smoking.
  • Do not drink with straw.
  • Do not eat hot and hard food for at least 2 days. Only eat soft and liquid food.
  • Avoid brushing at the operated area.
  • From Second day after the surgery rinse your mouth with warm water and salt 2-3 times a day.
  • Take the medicines prescribed by the dentist for specific time.
  • If the bleeding and pain persist for 2 to 3 days, make sure that you let your dentist know.

Post-surgery warning signs to watch out

It is normal to experience some pain and swelling after surgery. But, if the following symptom appear or persist then consult your dentist immediately:

  • Bleeding does not stop, even after an hour of the impacted tooth surgery.
  • Nasal bleeding.
  • Difficulty in swallowing and breathing.
  • Further infection or pus formation from the surgical socket.
  • Increase in swelling around the mouth after the 2-3 days post impacted tooth surgery.
  • Unbearable pain and fever.
  • Foul odor and taste, despite doing regular salt water rinses.

What is the impacted tooth treatment cost in Mumbai?

The cost of treatment varies based on the severity and complexity of the impacted tooth. Health and dental care must never be compromised. Seeking the best treatment from the safest and most professional oral care experts must remain your top priority.

That said, our long list of loyal clients from within and outside of Mumbai stands testimony to our reputation as the best clinic for impacted tooth treatment in the city. In the end, it is your faith and investment in our service that will ensure you get the treatment you deserve. 

Our clients continue to return to us for our quality assurance, value-for-money service, and post-operative care and feedback.

After all, it is your health, and we care. 

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Dr Debraj Shome- Best Plastic, Cosmetic & Oculoplastic Surgeon in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome

Best Plastic, Cosmetic & Oculoplastic Surgery in Mumbai, India

Dr. Debraj Shome is Director and Co founder of The Esthetic Clinics. He has been rated amongst the top surgeons in India by multiple agencies. The Esthetic Clinics patients include many international and national celebrities who prefer to opt for facial cosmetic surgery and facial plastic surgery in Mumbai because The Esthetic Clinics has its headquarters there.

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