The Esthetic Clinics enlist as one of the best plastic surgery hospitals in Nashik; we offer a broad range of services that entail reconstruction and repair procedures. Also, with our experienced team of plastic surgeons, Nashik residents can have different parts of the body lost to defects replaced successfully. We have in-house Dr. Debraj Shome, a seasoned professional in the field of plastic surgery.
Our clinic is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities to carry out plastic surgery procedures on the maxillofacial structures, musculoskeletal system, trunk, lower and upper extremities, skin, and breast. Finding a good plastic surgeon in Nashik is no longer a pipe dream as we have specialists that are not only well-trained but a group that readily adopts the latest advances to deliver top-notch surgical services.
Our plastic surgeons in Nashik can provide inhabitants of the city with the following plastic surgery protocols:
Reconstructive plastic surgery procedures are usually carried out to restore and improve function and appearance after the onset of trauma or the development of malignancies. These surgical interventions are focused on specific parts of the body.
This plastic surgery procedure has been vastly utilized in the treatment of traumatic loss of tissue, as well as in the management of malignancy, most especially after resection of the affected part has taken place. Microsurgery involves using a microscope to work on small nerves and blood nerves in the body as the plastic surgeon attempts to achieve positive reconstructive outcomes.
Flap surgery is relevant in the instance where the need for the replacement of a lost part or function exists. To be more specific, it involves the transfer of healthy tissue [along with the blood supply] from a part of the body to the spot that has been affected by a defect. There are quite a number of flap surgery procedures available; a common one is musculocutaneous flap surgery which can be used in the treatment of breast cancer after mastectomy. Another notable flap surgery is the bone/soft tissue flap that is often employed in instances whereby the bone and overlying skin are transferred to a new position on the body. This type of flap is useful in the treatment of injuries and cancer-related deformities.
Plastic surgery in Nashik involving skin grafts revolves around harvesting some portions of healthy skin from a donor site on the patient’s body to position over a part where the skin has been lost or damaged as a result of deformities. It should be noted that while flaps – as used in flap surgery – involves the transfer of tissue along with its blood supply, blood supply is not involved in skin graft procedures. The commonly used types of skin graft surgeries include full-thickness, split-thickness, and composite skin graft, and the selection of any of these (protocols) will be incumbent on the severity and/or need of the patient.
Tissue expansion is a reconstructive protocol that is used in the repair of the skin or other tissues that have been damaged or lost due to congenital defects or any other disorder. It promotes the growth of extra healthy tissue that would make up for the loss. In performing this procedure to repair damaged skin, the plastic surgeon in Nashik centre will use an inflatable device known as expander to secrete a saline solution into the space under the skin, and this would cause the subsequent expansion of the skin. Tissue expansion involving the bone is, however, done using fitbone surgery or a bone distractor.
These procedures – from microsurgery to skin graft, flap surgery, and tissue expansion – are effective in treating burns. This needed to be stressed to the fact that most persons who suffer burns may not even get to consider such (restorative) approaches in improving appearance and function.
Craniofacial surgery encompasses procedures that are simple and quick to complete, as well as complex ones. However, a notable observance with respect to craniofacial surgery is the delicate nature of the areas involved in this type of surgical procedure. This is why you have to reach out to specialists at the best plastic surgery hospital in Nashik if you ever require craniofacial surgery. As a matter of emphasis, craniofacial surgery is usually directed at the skull, head, neck, jaw, face, and surrounding tissues nerves, and blood vessels. This explains the reason the best hands, with the right resources at disposal, are needed to carry out these procedures. Various craniofacial surgery procedures are applied in the treatment and management of medical conditions such as Treacher Collins Syndrome, Apert’s Syndrome, Crouzon’s Syndrome, cleft lip and palate, and hemifacial microsomia.
Cosmetic surgery is a popular branch of plastic surgery that most persons readily link with celebrity lifestyle. But the truth is that anyone who wishes to improve his/her aesthetic can get this plastic surgery in Nashik without breaking the bank or travelling to a far distance for the protocol. Cosmetic surgery procedures like labiaplasty, chin implant, arm lift, breast augmentation, breast reduction, orthognathic surgery, body contouring, facelifts, buttock augmentation, and so on are being utilized in improving the appearance and/or shape of different parts of the body to boost self-confidence. Cosmetic surgery goals can also be actualized through the use of chemical peels in the removal of unappealing spots/marks and scars. Dr. Debraj Shome will be available at The Esthetic Clinics in Nashik to guide patients through every step – from the preoperative to postoperative phase – involved in the very cosmetic surgery procedure you are hoping to have performed on you.
While they are not standalone plastic surgery procedures, laser technology, and endoscopic surgery are also highly valuable in ensuring the best possible outcomes, and the best plastic surgery hospital Nashik has got these incorporated into its framework. Both of these techniques ensure minimal loss of blood.
Since the procedures vary to a large extent, it is expected that plastic surgery cost in Nashik will be greatly determined by the particular plastic surgery protocol to be run. Another factor that could play a significant role is the prescriptions and the extent of the patient’s condition. The plastic surgery cost Nashik inhabitants have to make will yet be positively influenced by the fact they do not have to visit a clinic at some faraway location as The Esthetic Clinics brings its operation nearby. Your health insurance provider will also render certain benefits that would have an impact on the final plastic surgery cost in Nashik – so, you put a call through to the provider after having an initial consultation with the team at The Esthetic Clinics.
Plot no 24, shramsaflya bunglow, Lane no 4, Lavate nagar, Near city center mall, Beside five element hotel, Nashik -Maharashtra 422022 India
For appointments: | M: +91 7028065165 | M: +91 7028065165
Dr. Debraj Shome is Director and Co founder of The Esthetic Clinics. He has been rated amongst the top surgeons in India by multiple agencies. The Esthetic Clinics patients include many international and national celebrities who prefer to opt for facial cosmetic surgery and facial plastic surgery in Mumbai because The Esthetic Clinics has its headquarters there.