“Life is short, so smile while you still have teeth.”
Want a brighter smile? When it comes to tooth-whitening, you have two options: in-office-based teeth bleaching, or at-home care.
Teeth whitening are carried out by bleaching teeth. Teeth bleaching are a process performed to whiten the teeth, eliminate discoloration and stains with the help of bleaching agent. Bleaching the teeth is one of the most commonly sought after procedures for improving the ‘look’ of the teeth. It is used by celebrities and page 3 participants regularly for various aesthetic reasons and is fast become very popular with college going young people, couples about to get married and even those who love to take smiling selfies.. It is an effective, safe, simple most acceptable cosmetic procedure for beautification of teeth as well as smile.
Bleaching is often confused with teeth whitening. But both are essentially different procedures. Bleaching is done on the teeth when the colour of the teeth is changed beyond its natural colour. It is done using products that contain chemical bleaching agents such as hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide.
The term tooth whitening refers to removing the dirt and debris from the teeth. A simple whitening toothpaste can also be considered a tool for teeth whitening.
The most common reasons of seeking teeth bleaching in India are removing the stains and yellowish tinge or colour on the teeth. These stains can be because of:
For professional teeth bleaching in Mumbai, peroxide-based bleaching agents are used. At-home systems contain from 3% to 20% peroxide (carbamide or hydrogen peroxides). In-office systems contain from 15% to 43% peroxide. The key to getting the correct bleach on the teeth is to remember that the stronger the solution the whiter are your teeth and the higher the percentage of peroxide bleaching solution the shorter is the time for which it should be applied on the teeth.
There are so many teeth bleaching option and products available at dental clinics as well as market nowadays, but before you try at-home tooth-bleaching kits, be sure to talk to your dentist. Because over bleaching can damage the skin, teeth and gums.
Tooth whitening can be done in two ways:
In –office-based teeth bleaching
At-home care
Teeth whitening done by your dentist can get teeth brighter faster and more evenly. The bleaching solution is usually much stronger than at-home kits. Top cosmetic dentist in Mumbai use a combination of heat and light to intenfisy the effectiveness of the whitening procedures.
You can whiten the teeth as much as you want; make sure that you tell the cosmetic dentist in Mumbai about your expectations. In professional settings the teeth can get up to eight shades brighter. The whole process takes about 30-60 minutes. The cost of teeth bleaching will depend on your expectiation i.e. how many shades of whitening you desire to see.
Laser teeth bleaching in Mumbai is one of the most popular cosmetic dentistry procedure and can bring about more long lasting results than other traditional methods. The laser-activated teeth whitening can make the teeth up to ten shades brighter in roughly one hour.
Step 1: Colour matching: by means of a colour index, the dentist will decide the colour and colour of your present teeth. A photo will be taken of your teeth so you may see the difference after the procedure is complete.
Step 2: Security: The lips are lined with a protective SPF cream, which includes a moisturizer. This protects the skin from being affect by the effects of laser.
Step 3: Cheek retraction: This helps in keeping the mouth open during the teeth bleaching procedure. Cotton rolls are placed under the lips to keep the area dry and a protective coating is placed on the gums to protect them from the bleaching gel. You will also need to wear some protective eye wear.
Step 4: Whitening gel: Your dentist will place the whitening gel on the teeth before starting the laser
Step 5: Bleaching Laser: The laser is directed on the teeth to activate the whitening gel. The light in the laser illuminates all of the teeth simultaneously and does not move over the teeth.
Step 6: Finishing: Following the whitening session is finished, the solution is going to be suctioned or shut off. The protective is removed and the teeth and gums rinsed properly to get rid of any residual gels.
There are many choices for bleaching teeth at home, the most common ones include:
Tooth whitening strips and gels. Applied directly to the teeth with a brush or a thin strip, these peroxide-based tooth bleaching products usually need to be applied once or twice a day for 10 to 14 days. Results last four or more months and vary on cost depending on their effectiveness.
Tray-based tooth bleaching systems. With this teeth whitening option, a mouth guard-like tray is filled with a peroxide-based bleaching gel or paste and placed over the teeth for one to several hours a day for up to four weeks. You can buy tray-based tooth whitening systems over-the-counter or have one custom-fitted by your dentist.
Tooth whitening toothpastes. Because they are mildly abrasive, every toothpaste helps remove stains from teeth. Whitening toothpastes, however, also contain chemicals or polishing agents that help scrub stains from teeth without the aid of a bleaching agent. Tooth-whitening toothpastes are relatively inexpensive a way to mildly bleach the teeth and brighten them by shade. Some whitening toothpastes contain peroxides, but they are not left on the teeth long enough to have a whitening benefit.
The results vary from person to person are subjective to the amount of staining and the actual colour of your teeth. Teeth bleaching gives excellent results, wherein teeth whitening, and texture is seen to improve by 3-5 shades in chairside sittings and 5-7 shades in laser whitening.
Whether you use an at-home tooth-whitening system, or have your teeth bleached by a dentist, you can help maintain the results. To extend the longevity of the bleaching treatment the best cosmetic dentists in Mumbai will also you to keep in the mind the following maintenance tips:
Tooth bleaching procedures can make the teeth sensitive temporarily or if you already have sensitive teeth you might not be very comfortable after teeth bleaching. Also if you are using home teeth bleaching kits then be very careful or it can result in bleached gums.
People who have yellow teeth benefit the maximum from teeth bleaching and it is not suitable for brown teeth. Also before using teeth bleaching consult with the top cosmetic dentists and if you have grey or purple teeth then tooth bleaching will not work for you at all.
The cost of teeth whitening can vary quite significantly from product to product, procedure to procedure. The factors affecting the price of tooth bleaching in Mumbai include -
Most of the dental clinics offer consolidated package deal, which includes scaling and polishing too. It turns out to be financially quite reasonable and good value for money option when it comes to calculating the cost of teeth bleaching in India.
The Esthetic Clinics Mumbai is widely recognized as one of the leading and most preferred dental care service providers in Mumbai. With unmatched treatment outcomes, cutting edge technology & procedure delivery systems, and international standards of care delivered by the highly trained and experienced team of specialists who are above par with the best in the industry, allows us to provide an excellent success rate in all procedures therefore, providing the best to the clients.
Our Pre & Post-procedure care is our speciality & USP. To top that, we at The Esthetic Clinics, Mumbai have made it our mission to provide outstanding dental care with a commitment of compassion, quality, and integrity.
Dr. Debraj Shome is Director and Co founder of The Esthetic Clinics. He has been rated amongst the top surgeons in India by multiple agencies. The Esthetic Clinics patients include many international and national celebrities who prefer to opt for facial cosmetic surgery and facial plastic surgery in Mumbai because The Esthetic Clinics has its headquarters there.