Many patients were unsuitable for getting traditional dental implants because of their weaker bones in the mouth area. Patients who have a higher degree of withering tissues in the oral cavity, resulting in an inability to support dental implants can benefit from the zygoma alternative implants at our clinics in Mumbai. Zygoma technique was developed in the late 90s, since then the technique has evolved and advanced into a more sought-after dental implant treatment for people unfit for traditional dental implants.
Traditionally patients require grafting procedures to get their teeth implants in place. However, zygoma implants for rehabilitation can present as an alternative treatment without any need for grafting of the bone of the patient.
Unlike the traditional implants of teeth that were attached to jawbones, zygoma implants are adhering to the zygoma bones of the cheeks. This interesting technique allows the patient to be able to get more sturdy and durable implants than before. These implants have a different but simpler design than earlier implants that had a complex process of attaching. The patient can have their zygoma implants fitted the same day of the dental implant process.
Dental implants can be tricky for patients based on the severity of their teeth loss and the condition of the jaw or oral cavity. Zygoma implants present a whole new world to all patients to enjoy their teeth and smile makeover without the need for any special treatment like bone grafting. Patients can now avoid the need to lift their sinuses or to get bone grafts from any other part of the body.
Therefore, zygoma implants for rehabilitation can be the right fit for patients, making the process more comfortable and significantly shorter. Our top dental experts would anchor these implants in the zygoma jawbone of a patient. Zygoma implants get their name from implant placement to the zygoma bone or the denser cheekbone of a person.
Zygoma implants for rehabilitation of the teeth of a patient work perfectly as compared to the traditional ones given their deeper anchorage. These implants are put deeper inside the zygoma bones of the face by drilling the screws to hold implants in place. Zygoma or the cheekbones present a much denser bone structure to hold the implants with great strength and stability.
The main sign of indication to get zygomatic implants loaded is the particular condition of maxillary withering or weaker bone of the mouth. In many cases, resulting from trauma or any other condition, a patient is not deemed fit to get traditional dental implants. Stronger anchorage and adhering to attached bone snugly make zygoma implants a better choice for a complete denture of implants of the mouth. Here is some common reason why zygoma implants are a better choice:
The famous zygomatic implants for rehabilitation of teeth work by attaching the implant to the stronger and denser bone of the face, zygoma check-bones. The dental implant is anchored using a longer surgical screw to hold the implant in place inside the zygoma. The zygoma bone can provide a sturdy base to our patients for the implants to hold on to them.
The patient will have no scarring on the visible part of the face as the procedure is done inside the mouth only. The recovery time of zygomatic implants for rehabilitation of teeth requires four months at lengths. After the recovery time, our expert at The Esthetic clinic would do a final restoration to complete the rehabilitation of the teeth. After the recovery and restoration, patients can have a new smile ready beaming with new confidence.
Zygoma implants have made a strong presence amid the traditional implant procedure of teeth rehabilitation lately. In many cases, where the patients were having difficulties and complications in getting implants, zygoma implants came with a new ray of hope. Being quicker and more durable procedure, here are some notable advantages:
Zygoma implants for rehabilitation require specific diagnosis and treatment plans at our clinics. Precise treatment planning includes 3D bone scans, and CBCT before a zygomatic implant for rehabilitation procedure. Following are some of the crucial steps of zygoma implants for rehabilitation treatment:
Like the earlier traditional dental implants, zygoma dental implants have a higher success rate too. It is estimated that the success rate of zygomatic implants for rehabilitation ranges as much as 97-98% based on the studies worldwide. In the case of complications, the most common risk of zygomatic implants is sinusitis, paresthesia, and oroantral fistula.
Our team of doctors and surgeons would ensure every patient goes through a series of pre-surgical tests and diagnostics that are appropriate as per their severity. Using an expert and advanced approach while loading the dental implants would diminish any possible complications beforehand by a great degree. While patients take the zygoma implants for rehabilitation of their teeth, our top surgeons at The Esthetic Clinics would ensure the process is smooth and pain-free.
Like with most surgical procedures, you can expect mild discomfort as the effect of sedation wears off. Follow our top surgeon’s advice and take medication as prescribed to minimize the post-operative discomfort. Placing zygomatic implants for rehabilitation is a very precise procedure requiring a considerable amount of skill and deep knowledge about the anatomical landmarks of a human. Therefore, the patient has to keep in mind there would be a considerable amount of consultation time and as well as healing time. However, zygoma implants are a faster technique and the patient can go home on the same day of the surgery.
Zygoma implants for rehabilitation require advanced surgical skills and the ability to manage complications. Often, the planning stage for the treatment involves collaboration between different kinds of dentists, but the actual surgery is usually performed by a top oral surgeon or a periodontist at our clinics in India.
Dental implants and associated treatments vary in cost and procedure based on the severity of the case. Many patients find it more relaxing to visit a new place along with getting the required treatment. However, many would like to go to a clinic nearby for getting zygoma implants for rehabilitation of teeth. Traveling and getting the required procedure at the best facility can help patients get quality treatment. This activity can allow the patient to save money on high-quality medical procedures too. Patients can choose to travel to a new destination for their dental treatment based on their location.
The Esthetic Clinics in India is a prestigious chain of cosmetic dental work clinics, with many specialists at service for patients. With various top plastic surgeons and the best dental surgeons, our team makes your treatments a breeze. Dr. Debraj Shome heads the team for the best treatment procedures in India. He is an internationally recognized expert in various fields of dental implants, cosmetic dentistry, and sedation dentistry.
It is always vital to make thorough inquiries while selecting any treatment and go to a jawsmith of your trust only. Dr. Debraj Shome leads trusted treatment procedures so that every patient can have access to the best dental services in India. Make a consultation appointment with our clinic near you to get started with the zygoma implants for rehabilitation in India.
Dr. Debraj Shome is Director and Co founder of The Esthetic Clinics. He has been rated amongst the top surgeons in India by multiple agencies. The Esthetic Clinics patients include many international and national celebrities who prefer to opt for facial cosmetic surgery and facial plastic surgery in Mumbai because The Esthetic Clinics has its headquarters there.