Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics sheds light on menstrual acne, tips to prevent them, and more.
Menstrual Acne: Understanding Causes And How You Can Get Rid of it
If the mood fluctuations, bloating, cramps and tender boobs were not enough, seeing the visible proof of the changes in your body in the form of pimples just brings the woes to life. Doesn’t it? Periods mean everything is OK with our body but if we all wish that why can’t it all be without the blemishes that take ages to clear. More than 65% of women have reported suffering from pimples and painful cysts. Also Read - What is Intermittent Fasting? How to do Intermittent Fasting And it's Benefits
Dr. Rinky Kapoor, Consultant Dermatologist, Cosmetic Dermatologist & Dermato-Surgeon, The Esthetic Clinics sheds light on menstrual acne, tips to prevent them, and more. Also Read - FDA Approves First Alzheimer's Drug in Nearly 2 Decades, All You Need to Know
It’s the hormones without any doubts! But they are not the only culprit; so many little things combine to come out in the form of pimples. Also Read - Real-Life Weight Loss Journey: I Lost 25 Kilos With Regular Jogging And Intermittent Fasting
With the cravings, overactivity of the sebaceous glands, and the regular stress that the skin goes through the whole day, period-related acne can appear on the face around the nose and even as painful cysts around the chin and jawline. You might even get the breakouts around the vaginal area (yes it happens!).
Dont’s: Never pop the acne. You will not win instead you will only help them spread and invite scarring
Some women are lucky that they don’t even notice the menstrual acne, but some are not so lucky and have to go through the whole process every month. Here are some simple tips that can help you treat mensural acne without scarring:
Mensural acne is not pretty but very preserving but you can treat them with a mix of different over the counter products:
You know when your periods are going to come and the skin changes start about 14 days before period. Forearmed is forewarned:
To get some relief from the painful menstrual acne:
If the pain is too much and the pimples are out of control make sure that you consult your dermatologist for professional treatment.
Article Source - https://www.india.com/health/menstrual-acne-understanding-causes-and-how-you-can-get-rid-of-it-4695261/
Dr. Debraj Shome is Director and Co founder of The Esthetic Clinics. He has been rated amongst the top surgeons in India by multiple agencies. The Esthetic Clinics patients include many international and national celebrities who prefer to opt for facial cosmetic surgery and facial plastic surgery in Mumbai because The Esthetic Clinics has its headquarters there.